
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Clawed   SchoolYard   Nathifa   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (13)
Clawed (Dec 28, 2009 - Jan 08, 2010)
SchoolYard (Dec 04, 2007 - Dec 28, 2009)
Nathifa (Nov 16, 2006 - Feb 05, 2007)
Arcade (Feb 17, 2006 - Jul 25, 2006)
Gantz (Dec 20, 2005 - Feb 16, 2006)
Unconventionals (Nov 09, 2005 - Dec 20, 2005)
Gantz (Oct 07, 2005 - Nov 07, 2005)
Legion of Scissors (Oct 02, 2005 - Oct 07, 2005)
Unconventionals (Jul 07, 2005 - Oct 02, 2005)
Unconventionals (Jul 07, 2005 - Jul 07, 2005)
Gantz (Dec 21, 2004 - Jan 13, 2005)
Gantz (Sep 09, 2004 - Dec 11, 2004)
Gantz (Jul 14, 2004 - Sep 03, 2004)
Has been on the same squad (707)
Sabbat  324 days SchoolYard
HOMO BEAR  307 days SchoolYard
Aplane  306 days SchoolYard
YourLord&Master  306 days SchoolYard
A Horrible Plague  305 days SchoolYard
Nev3r~2wice  305 days SchoolYard
Twich07  305 days SchoolYard
Cptnkirk  303 days SchoolYard
RADIOMARU  249 days Gantz
Rabid-Wombat  240 days Gantz
Georgebob  232 days Gantz
A RaBid PaNDa  218 days Gantz, Arcade
Last Rites  187 days Gantz
Lu Xun  181 days Gantz, Unconventionals
firepr00f  169 days Gantz
Gantz  166 days Gantz
tetra  157 days Arcade
Paveo  143 days Gantz
FurioFuhrer  141 days Gantz
Lazy Kakashi  132 days Gantz
Kira_Yamato~  126 days Gantz, Arcade
BobM@rley  122 days Gantz
Guitar Guy  115 days Gantz
Poison Gas  114 days Gantz
N.E.R.D 69  109 days Gantz
PlaZma-  106 days Arcade, Gantz
jngy slate  101 days SchoolYard
Toxic Fuzz  101 days Arcade
pepsi pepsi  99 days Gantz
Skynet!  98 days Gantz
Exterminator789  94 days Gantz
Ganon-Knight  93 days Gantz
kid wolf  93 days Gantz
desktop  90 days Arcade
NightCalibur  90 days Arcade
Aerian  88 days Arcade
elemental  88 days Gantz
Invent  87 days Arcade
The Sith  87 days Clawed, Nathifa
Repletion  86 days Gantz
Stella.  86 days Nathifa, Legion of Scissors
Warbird Ace  82 days Gantz, Arcade
A Bong  81 days Nathifa
Antz  81 days Nathifa
b o a  81 days Nathifa
Bhishma_  81 days Nathifa
Blutkind  81 days Nathifa
cannon street1  81 days Nathifa
cejudo  81 days Nathifa
Citannn  81 days Nathifa
Crazy Pie  81 days Nathifa
Cumquats  81 days Nathifa
dark tenchi  81 days Nathifa
du Maurier  81 days Nathifa
Flipflops  81 days Nathifa
Forestry  81 days Nathifa
Forgotten Shadow  81 days Nathifa
Frowning  81 days Nathifa
grabboid  81 days Nathifa
Grumble  81 days Nathifa
hege  81 days Nathifa
Karamba  81 days Nathifa
mick909  81 days Nathifa
Mystical Shit  81 days Nathifa
Navuhodonosor II  81 days Nathifa
New B  81 days Nathifa
nicodemus2x  81 days Nathifa
phirax  81 days Nathifa
pipkin  81 days Nathifa
pknuke  81 days Nathifa
Prototype Mk I  81 days Gantz
Ruczi  81 days Nathifa
Saczu  81 days Nathifa
Sol Mortis  81 days Nathifa
Sparc0  81 days Nathifa
T dot  81 days Nathifa
Talionis  81 days Nathifa
Teknique  81 days Nathifa
The IronClaw  81 days Nathifa
Tw!sTeD  81 days Nathifa
unreal_  81 days Nathifa
Wackymoon  81 days Nathifa
Wussey  81 days Nathifa
xDoJaZx  81 days Nathifa
xLo$eRx  81 days Nathifa
Borgir  80 days Gantz
PEGASiS  79 days Gantz
Sir Arts  74 days Gantz
Yamat  73 days Nathifa
Kinesrra  71 days Gantz
HipPe  70 days Nathifa
Alpha Dog  67 days Gantz
Setboy  67 days Arcade
shaddowknight  67 days Unconventionals
uNsmart  67 days Arcade
AznNycGuy  66 days Gantz
minderpuza  65 days Nathifa
Bo0!  63 days Gantz
Faust  62 days Arcade
Bardicer  61 days Arcade
Xert  60 days Arcade, Gantz
Fait  58 days Gantz
FFLenne  58 days Gantz
Fleming  58 days Gantz
Kolbi  58 days Gantz
ninjaelf27  58 days Gantz
opps  58 days Gantz
Tha Avanger  58 days Gantz
CA$H MAN  56 days Arcade
oops  55 days Arcade, Gantz
Zeraan  55 days SchoolYard
expunge  54 days Gantz
Killem  51 days Gantz
Mr.Shortround  51 days Gantz
X-PLoSiVe  50 days Gantz
GunLotus  49 days Gantz
Loder  49 days Gantz
Pulsage  49 days Gantz
Solae  48 days Gantz
DirtBike  47 days Gantz
Fedex!  47 days Gantz
Cyborg.  46 days Gantz
SS Tricky  45 days Arcade
1001  43 days Arcade
DaBigBomb  43 days Unconventionals
NightDweller  43 days Gantz
Syed  43 days Gantz
Newbsta  42 days Gantz
Bloody Talon  41 days Nathifa
EZmart  41 days Arcade, Gantz
Maurauth  40 days Gantz
Q_Tips  40 days Gantz, Nathifa
IMMIGRATION  38 days Arcade
wait what  37 days Gantz, Arcade
ben_dover  36 days Gantz
Jem  36 days Gantz
Mr. Recall  36 days Gantz
Valholy  36 days Gantz
a mutated sea bass  35 days Gantz
Demonik  35 days Gantz, Arcade
Dirk  35 days Gantz
Nlie  35 days Gantz
DisRupTion  34 days Unconventionals
ztnag  34 days Gantz
Crucializer  33 days Arcade, Gantz
DreadPirate  33 days Arcade, Gantz
Ridaz  33 days Arcade
Dark_Hunter  32 days Gantz
Fet  32 days Gantz
FireAway  32 days SchoolYard
Mr MVP  32 days Gantz
Outshined  32 days Gantz
Duality  31 days Arcade
jube  31 days Gantz
Xenosis  31 days Gantz
A Fuzz  30 days Gantz
AppleCheek  30 days Nathifa, Gantz
Jo|<er  30 days Gantz
Kid-Rice  30 days Gantz
Money  30 days Arcade
Monky With a Boob  30 days Gantz
Mr Sushi X  30 days Gantz
oxidize  30 days Gantz
Saradomin  30 days Gantz
Scorpious  30 days Gantz
SetoNaikai  30 days Arcade
spin!!!  30 days Gantz
cykotec  29 days Gantz, Arcade
Gods of Oz  29 days Arcade
Hu7u  29 days Gantz
Senteria  29 days Arcade
Enemy#1  28 days Gantz, Arcade
ISRAELI F15-I ACE  28 days Arcade, Clawed, Unconventionals
JaaLin  28 days Gantz
Kind Bud  28 days Arcade
Shoddy  28 days Nathifa
Valkyri  28 days Arcade
a line of coke  27 days Arcade
Overheat  27 days Arcade
SWAGer  27 days Gantz
The Terranigma  27 days Gantz
tIGERMOOSE  27 days Arcade
totally  27 days Nathifa
Trillion  27 days Arcade
Your Anti-Hero  27 days SchoolYard
Disc Boy  26 days Gantz
S.s.w.A.t  26 days Gantz
Induced  25 days Gantz
Iron_Titan  25 days Arcade
SnoopyDogg  25 days Gantz
Stops  25 days Gantz
sXyChick89  25 days Gantz
thesearcher  25 days Arcade
Trinka  25 days Arcade
Zadan  25 days Gantz
Relivant  24 days Arcade
Statis  24 days Gantz
Ceryni  23 days Gantz
Culmination  23 days Arcade
Destructer  23 days Arcade
Expecto Patronum  23 days Gantz
forgotten child  23 days Gantz
idkmyname  23 days Gantz
Orb of Chaos  23 days Nathifa
Red Eternity  23 days Gantz
Trollhammaren  23 days Gantz
FaTtiE  22 days Arcade
Jack Jeckel  22 days Arcade
Jake Jeckel  22 days Arcade
Laurelin  22 days Gantz
Lucky~  22 days Gantz
No Ka Oi  22 days Gantz
Ronso  22 days Gantz
Destromath  21 days Gantz
DOG Chapman  21 days Gantz
hurigane (fin)  21 days Gantz
Sadistic.  21 days Gantz
Sheepskin  21 days Gantz
Torfogoth  21 days Gantz, Arcade
Eleanto  20 days Gantz
Franchise Player  20 days Gantz
Kyra.  20 days Gantz
Maniak  20 days Gantz
Mucilage  20 days Arcade
Space_man_Spiff  20 days SchoolYard
StealthAssasin2  20 days Gantz
windproof  20 days Gantz
Your Worst Nightmar  20 days Gantz
Alarmed  19 days Arcade
antisniper  19 days Arcade
Battler  19 days Nathifa
ImHellaNew  19 days Gantz
jessup <ZH>  19 days Arcade
Rapid Ninja  19 days Gantz
Spirit  19 days Gantz
exilez  18 days Nathifa
Kei Kurono  18 days Gantz
Marcus Giles  18 days Arcade
NERV  18 days SchoolYard
Slanging Rock  18 days Arcade
xaCtly  18 days Arcade
arceo  17 days Gantz
Atma W  17 days Gantz
Emale  17 days Arcade
Gultier  17 days Arcade
hotshotmv  17 days Gantz
IDK  17 days Arcade
Insult  17 days Arcade
Sexyness  17 days Gantz
Sir Shoy  17 days Gantz
SISQO  17 days Arcade
Solarblast Dragon  17 days Arcade
Spacely  17 days 4 squads
Avelate  16 days Arcade
bucksolo  16 days Gantz, Nathifa
dj_ponage  16 days Gantz
flossin  16 days Gantz, Arcade
OBX  16 days Nathifa, Arcade
Putzeco  16 days Gantz
Rusty!  16 days Clawed, Gantz
Tricker  16 days Arcade
bubbles19518  15 days Gantz
Evold  15 days Gantz, Arcade
Executed  15 days Arcade
Feng  15 days Arcade
LaGTaCuLaR  15 days Arcade
Lil Tye  15 days Unconventionals, Gantz
Linho  15 days Arcade
Moskvits  15 days Nathifa
OvEr PuSh  15 days Gantz
Slit your guts  15 days Gantz
Aide  14 days Arcade
Anarchic  14 days Arcade
cMurder  14 days Arcade
darck  14 days Arcade, Unconventionals
Flow State  14 days Gantz
H2ODr.  14 days Gantz
Joyce  14 days Arcade
Krilas  14 days Arcade
Mutalisk  14 days Arcade, Nathifa
Nefr  14 days Arcade
nUcLeAr DiSaStEr  14 days Gantz
PokeDex  14 days Gantz
purty  14 days Gantz
silentbobb  14 days Arcade
skeletor_69  14 days Gantz
SoMe  14 days Nathifa
Viet_Pryde  14 days Gantz
Xef  14 days Arcade
Bizmat  13 days Arcade
Bluedrac_NL  13 days Nathifa
Bubonic  13 days Arcade
Dairymann  13 days Gantz
Elysium  13 days Nathifa
Eria  13 days Arcade
Kloberdanz  13 days Arcade
Mackazz  13 days Nathifa
Macquereau  13 days Unconventionals
Newbage  13 days Arcade
No Face  13 days Gantz
nova alchemist  13 days Nathifa, Legion of Scissors
SaFia  13 days Gantz
Skating Tour  13 days Nathifa
spiker!!  13 days Arcade
Stonez  13 days Nathifa
TheFishTank  13 days Arcade
ZaBuZa  13 days Arcade
Zechs Marquis  13 days Gantz
A French Chipmunk!  12 days Nathifa
A.K.A.  12 days Arcade
BL00dy_Nun  12 days Gantz
CaLiBuR_  12 days Arcade
Captain Barbossa  12 days Gantz
Default4  12 days Unconventionals
ericw  12 days Gantz
Fire.Sniper  12 days Gantz
hENnA  12 days Gantz
Ivvy  12 days Gantz
i_am_zero  12 days Gantz
KillDaWabbit  12 days Arcade
KY0  12 days Gantz
Leber  12 days Arcade
Lilo*  12 days Gantz
Mad Hops.  12 days Gantz
Pilgram  12 days Gantz
Progression  12 days Arcade
Stevro  12 days Arcade
Techno_PT  12 days SchoolYard
Thief.  12 days Gantz
Wtf!?  12 days Gantz
Absynth!  11 days Gantz
Balister  11 days Gantz
BuckinBronco  11 days Gantz
Doubtful  11 days Nathifa, Gantz, Arcade
Essence of Purity  11 days Gantz
F a l l e n  11 days Nathifa
Getsuga  11 days Gantz
God Machine  11 days Unconventionals
Hammer Of God  11 days Gantz
Help Me I'm New  11 days Gantz
Jaymistic  11 days Arcade, Nathifa
Joplin  11 days Nathifa
La$t  11 days Nathifa
LDOG  11 days Gantz
Levihelper  11 days Nathifa
Lizard Fuel  11 days Arcade
Loco-Motief  11 days Gantz
Maverick&Goose  11 days Nathifa
Mr Fantastic  11 days Nathifa
Multifilm  11 days Nathifa, Clawed
Nidhogg  11 days Unconventionals
patricks  11 days Gantz
Petal  11 days Nathifa
Rand Da Guy  11 days Nathifa
Revel1z  11 days Gantz
Richard Zednik  11 days Gantz
Shavo  11 days Nathifa
stiT  11 days Nathifa
Upkeep  11 days Nathifa
Valentine Rose  11 days Nathifa
40oz.  10 days Clawed
Azn-Gurl.  10 days Gantz
BackwoodsBoy  10 days Clawed
badboy_oj  10 days Gantz
Cattrell  10 days Clawed
Celtic.  10 days Gantz
Chthonic  10 days Arcade
Computer  10 days Arcade
Deceived  10 days Arcade
donnie  10 days Gantz
empion  10 days Gantz
Fooly Cooly  10 days Clawed
Growing  10 days Clawed
Holly  10 days Clawed
hot pocket  10 days Gantz
Jullord  10 days Nathifa
Korin  10 days Gantz
kung-lao  10 days Gantz
Medicine Man  10 days Gantz
Mx1-DS  10 days Clawed
Palidor  10 days Gantz
Quick_Draw16  10 days Arcade
Sarutobi  10 days Gantz
Slackware  10 days Arcade
Spinel  10 days Clawed
tfoo  10 days Gantz
vader.  10 days SchoolYard
VectorGTS  10 days Nathifa
Voice  10 days Arcade
Was isT!  10 days Arcade
Wells  10 days Clawed
a stalker  9 days Gantz
Assassinate  9 days Clawed
Bent  9 days Arcade
Bloody Wolf  9 days Nathifa, Clawed
Clearwater88  9 days Gantz
Computor  9 days Arcade
Doc Flabby  9 days Clawed
Dropout Bear  9 days Clawed
EchoWiz  9 days Nathifa
FleshWound  9 days SchoolYard
Good Job  9 days Unconventionals
Jessup  9 days Arcade
Klan  9 days Clawed
Koio  9 days Gantz, Arcade
LILwade  9 days Arcade, Gantz
Nimble  9 days Gantz
Ninjutsu  9 days Arcade
Pulvelrize  9 days Arcade
Randomly  9 days Nathifa, Arcade
Skullptura  9 days Clawed
spyther  9 days Gantz
Stab  9 days Clawed
TaRgEt_PrAtiCe  9 days Gantz
Targhee  9 days Gantz
Taxi  9 days Clawed
tommy-versetti  9 days Gantz
Upon  9 days Gantz
ablazed  8 days Arcade
aZn_WaRbiRd  8 days Gantz
backdown  8 days Gantz
BestPlayerEver  8 days Arcade
Cambodian  8 days Gantz
demonstrate  8 days Clawed
Diagonal  8 days Gantz
Glazes  8 days Gantz
HR Puffinstuff  8 days Nathifa
l7eznuts  8 days Gantz
Last Rites (WB)  8 days Gantz
Lucar  8 days Arcade
MasterChief  8 days Gantz
Mr. McNasty  8 days SchoolYard
rizz3n  8 days Clawed
Saix  8 days Clawed
Shirayuki  8 days Arcade
Shockers  8 days Arcade
Silt  8 days Arcade
SlickLickens  8 days Arcade
stilt  8 days Gantz
Thunder Cat  8 days Gantz
warmachine  8 days Unconventionals
XS-Moode-SX  8 days Arcade
Alask  7 days Arcade
b@by girl  7 days Gantz
blow_meeh  7 days Gantz
LegendaryMyth  7 days Unconventionals
opieortiz  7 days Gantz
Plaau  7 days Arcade
PokerKing  7 days SchoolYard
qoz  7 days SchoolYard
Raozino  7 days Gantz
Rick J@mes  7 days Gantz
W@terProof  7 days Gantz
wavebeamer  7 days Gantz
WRM  7 days Arcade
Actua  6 days Arcade
aquatis  6 days Clawed
Avail  6 days Arcade
BugySwartz  6 days Clawed
Buttyboy  6 days Gantz
ChaosMaurauder  6 days Gantz
Deuce Bigalow  6 days Gantz
Endo_Supreme  6 days Arcade
F-  6 days Gantz
Fireweapon  6 days Arcade
Glace  6 days Arcade
Hollowman  6 days Unconventionals
im a laggot  6 days SchoolYard
King Me  6 days Clawed
kudamono  6 days Arcade
Nanners  6 days Clawed
nonsence  6 days Arcade
San Diego  6 days Clawed
soupero  6 days Gantz
Vulva  6 days Gantz
xP  6 days Clawed
A defenseless newb  5 days Legion of Scissors
Azarel  5 days Legion of Scissors
Barza  5 days Legion of Scissors
Beat BoX  5 days Gantz
Becky~  5 days Legion of Scissors
BendRitesXun  5 days Gantz
biopak  5 days Legion of Scissors
Brraaaaaap  5 days Clawed
Cgull  5 days Legion of Scissors
Codebehind  5 days Legion of Scissors
Committee  5 days SchoolYard
Cupie  5 days Legion of Scissors
d-.-b  5 days Legion of Scissors
Despite  5 days Arcade
devil1392  5 days Gantz
dforce1  5 days Gantz
Direwolf  5 days Gantz
Dracus  5 days Legion of Scissors
Eats Galore  5 days Clawed
El Tod  5 days Legion of Scissors
Exarch  5 days Legion of Scissors
Gnat  5 days Gantz, Arcade
Gypsybuddha  5 days Legion of Scissors
hyperion_0T8  5 days Legion of Scissors
jayseven  5 days Legion of Scissors
Jenta  5 days Legion of Scissors
KazaKuun  5 days Gantz
Koernig  5 days Legion of Scissors
KsKeeZiE  5 days Nathifa
lb  5 days Arcade
Master Lag  5 days Arcade
Metal Onslaught  5 days Legion of Scissors
N@N  5 days Gantz, Arcade
NeedASquad  5 days Legion of Scissors
Rageo  5 days Legion of Scissors
ReKall  5 days Gantz
Rezzail_Ironcub  5 days Legion of Scissors
RiGhTiOcHaP  5 days Arcade
RonTheGardinator  5 days Legion of Scissors
Rotating  5 days Gantz
s1e3pY azN  5 days Legion of Scissors
Shadster  5 days Legion of Scissors
shimpy  5 days Gantz
Silent Shadow  5 days Legion of Scissors
Sixus  5 days Legion of Scissors
Sodomizer  5 days Gantz
StealthAngell24  5 days Legion of Scissors
Strung  5 days Gantz
Syhming  5 days Legion of Scissors
Syphilis_  5 days Legion of Scissors
The Penguinater  5 days Legion of Scissors
Tsycho  5 days Legion of Scissors
tw.org  5 days SchoolYard
Tyler  5 days Gantz
Vaile  5 days Gantz
Venox  5 days Gantz, Arcade
Webxero  5 days Legion of Scissors
Wendys  5 days Gantz
Zamin  5 days Legion of Scissors
3xperimental  4 days Clawed
A Dumbass Hi-jacker  4 days Clawed
A-10 Warthog  4 days Gantz
AgRoN  4 days Gantz
Alane  4 days Arcade
Andromena  4 days Gantz
ARTOIS  4 days Arcade
Ascention  4 days Arcade
Bourbon  4 days Gantz
Cadaver Mutilator  4 days Gantz
calculus  4 days Arcade
champ5  4 days Gantz
Confident  4 days Gantz
Cryptonio  4 days Gantz
DeMoNoFdArKnEsS  4 days Gantz
Draining  4 days Gantz
Drunk-Dragon  4 days Gantz
Final_Shooter  4 days Legion of Scissors
foxes  4 days Gantz
Ghostix  4 days Gantz
Iced Rice  4 days Gantz
iNVU  4 days Gantz
JB Golden Gun  4 days Arcade
krane  4 days Gantz
kuriyuki  4 days Clawed
Laned  4 days Arcade
Line Up  4 days Gantz
Longbowman  4 days Arcade
Lyricist  4 days Arcade
mastersword  4 days Gantz
NiGhT eLF  4 days Gantz
Rachel Flame  4 days Gantz
Schfifty-Five  4 days Clawed
Sefarius  4 days Gantz
Smashing  4 days Gantz
Specify  4 days Gantz
swag  4 days Gantz
tiny teeny teen  4 days Unconventionals
Upc  4 days Arcade
Viper07  4 days Nathifa
Weave  4 days Arcade
50ruba!!!  3 days Arcade
absurd99  3 days Clawed
Ajantis  3 days Gantz
Alerts  3 days Unconventionals
all.your.base  3 days Unconventionals
aZn_oUtKaStZ  3 days Gantz
bokwus  3 days Gantz
Delegate  3 days Gantz
Dregon  3 days Gantz
epoch  3 days Gantz
Erick  3 days Arcade
Exercize  3 days Clawed
freshblood  3 days Gantz
FrostKnight  3 days Arcade
Giden  3 days Gantz
Jian Xi  3 days SchoolYard
Khiem  3 days Arcade
Let  3 days Arcade
munkie  3 days Nathifa
Neo-rpg  3 days Gantz
Obsessions  3 days Arcade
PaperCut  3 days Arcade
Prolifik  3 days Gantz
rabid war Wolf  3 days Gantz
ReCreated  3 days Unconventionals
skip to my lu  3 days Arcade, Gantz
Space Cadet  3 days Arcade
Strumpin  3 days Gantz
Surgery  3 days Arcade
Taiketsu!  3 days Gantz
Todes  3 days Gantz
VFX  3 days Gantz
Warbird 7  3 days Unconventionals
0vErDo$e  2 days Nathifa
Aware  2 days Arcade
AzN-|<iLLa  2 days Gantz
Blader  2 days SchoolYard
C.O.W.S.  2 days SchoolYard
Calvary  2 days Gantz
Cardi  2 days Arcade
Chief Slapaho  2 days Gantz
cipher_burn  2 days Gantz
creak  2 days Arcade
dark surge  2 days Gantz
DarkSympathy  2 days Unconventionals, Gantz
deep diver  2 days Nathifa
DUELPASTA  2 days Gantz
Fuk  2 days Unconventionals
ganjaman  2 days Clawed
golden dragon.  2 days Nathifa
Guthix.....  2 days Gantz
Isyn  2 days Gantz
JeepersCreepers  2 days Gantz
Kalreborn  2 days Arcade
Lickle  2 days Gantz
MethaX  2 days Gantz
Misled  2 days Arcade
Morpheo  2 days Arcade
nimnom-_-  2 days Gantz
Orthodoxy  2 days Clawed
oululainen  2 days Gantz
Pharazon  2 days Arcade
PlaZ  2 days Arcade
Polar Oppesites  2 days Arcade
Rist  2 days Nathifa
Russ  2 days Arcade
Rut  2 days Arcade
Saeth  2 days Arcade
Shang Tsung  2 days Arcade
Softball  2 days Gantz
Star Taxi  2 days Nathifa
the Sperminator 2  2 days Gantz
Triple101  2 days Gantz
Viper06  2 days Nathifa
Volitant  2 days Arcade
wrigs  2 days Nathifa
WTFPwnt  2 days Arcade
About  1 days Arcade
adorn  1 days Gantz
Aerco  1 days Arcade
Aerosol  1 days Arcade
Ahman Green  1 days Gantz
Androovski  1 days Gantz
Attenuate  1 days Gantz
Azuma  1 days Gantz
Bin-Hidin  1 days Gantz
Blood Wulf  1 days Gantz
Brother Justin  1 days Unconventionals
C.2.K.  1 days Gantz
Canyon  1 days Arcade
Colossos  1 days Arcade
Desist  1 days Arcade
drastwing  1 days Arcade
Drunx  1 days Arcade
eggboy  1 days Gantz
Exodia  1 days Gantz
Fem.  1 days Clawed
glowface  1 days Clawed
Gravez  1 days Arcade
Honorary_  1 days Arcade
Immolient  1 days Unconventionals
Judge EZ  1 days Arcade
JustinSane  1 days Gantz
killer_savior  1 days Gantz
Kyradon  1 days Gantz
LaMothe  1 days Gantz
Marvelus  1 days Clawed
MiSs. FREE TARGET  1 days Gantz
Naptown  1 days Gantz, Arcade
Nasty Sick Nasty  1 days Gantz
Newb1e  1 days Unconventionals
Nichiren  1 days Clawed
NuBee  1 days Gantz
Overflowd  1 days Unconventionals
paparizou  1 days Clawed
Petey Pan  1 days Arcade
Pint  1 days Unconventionals
PurQuebecois  1 days Arcade
Rapt0r  1 days Unconventionals
Raynz  1 days Arcade
Ridas  1 days Arcade
rushable  1 days Clawed
rushers  1 days Gantz
S T A C Y  1 days Arcade
Sarrow  1 days Gantz
seti  1 days Arcade
SKULL  1 days Gantz
Storm Braker  1 days Unconventionals
Unusable  1 days Arcade
Zarkana  1 days Gantz