
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Pliroth   Drawl   Icey Cap   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (10)
Pliroth (Nov 10, 2005 - Nov 20, 2005)
Drawl (Nov 05, 2005 - Nov 10, 2005)
Icey Cap (Oct 16, 2005 - Oct 16, 2005)
Not Enough (Sep 17, 2005 - Oct 08, 2005)
Zetek (Sep 17, 2005 - Sep 17, 2005)
AKUA (May 31, 2005 - Sep 17, 2005)
Militaris (May 22, 2005 - May 26, 2005)
mindkill (May 17, 2005 - May 22, 2005)
Xerotek (Sep 17, 2004 - Oct 15, 2004)
Xerotek (May 30, 2004 - Sep 14, 2004)
Has been on the same squad (317)
Palaemon.  123 days Xerotek, AKUA
Ganryu  109 days AKUA
Influ  109 days AKUA
Orinius  109 days AKUA
Alarmed Bread  107 days Xerotek
Simple Mistake  107 days Xerotek
Kento  105 days Xerotek
Ripp  105 days Xerotek
sifika  101 days AKUA
GunnerKnight  95 days AKUA
Neo Killer  95 days AKUA
hobo075  89 days Xerotek
FurioFuhrer  88 days Xerotek
Reception158  86 days Xerotek
Xenion  86 days AKUA
Lotari  82 days Xerotek
Turd_Ferguson  79 days Xerotek
Da GOAT  78 days Xerotek
Joy of Villany  78 days Xerotek
Apok  74 days Xerotek
Gyfer5487  66 days Xerotek
Riketsu  66 days Xerotek
Poison Gas  65 days Xerotek
Bardicer  60 days Xerotek
Nazerik  60 days AKUA
BMT  58 days Xerotek
Mihey  57 days Xerotek
Savant  53 days Militaris, Xerotek
spiker!!  53 days Xerotek
Abare  52 days Xerotek
mindgame  50 days AKUA
alpa?!  49 days Xerotek
Perunalinko  49 days Xerotek
Monkey Monster  47 days Militaris, Xerotek
xDark Lotusx  46 days Xerotek
mu5hr00m man  44 days Xerotek
Mutha-Tucka  44 days Xerotek
Snake Venom  44 days Xerotek
Bill Nye2  41 days Xerotek
ISRAELI F15-I ACE  41 days Xerotek, Pliroth
Pokemon 2001  41 days Xerotek
X_Warrior  40 days Xerotek
Alpha_Omega  38 days Xerotek
Prime Minister  37 days Xerotek
ShadowRune  37 days Xerotek
Detritus  35 days Xerotek
Viet_Pryde  35 days Xerotek
Destructer  34 days AKUA
Logos-X  34 days Xerotek
Miggy  33 days AKUA
Aethel  32 days Xerotek
bahbul  32 days Xerotek
Red XIII!  32 days Xerotek
Slyker  31 days Xerotek
MyBallsItch  30 days Xerotek
sarger  29 days Xerotek
Sir Chrono  27 days AKUA
AznBabiGurl  26 days Xerotek
Unholy Rasputin  25 days Xerotek
VoMiT.  25 days AKUA, Xerotek
PeteyMcNasty  24 days Militaris, AKUA
Tr1$t@n  24 days Xerotek
Gran Guerrero  23 days Xerotek
Ice_cap  23 days AKUA
Scooby Snack  23 days Xerotek
Bware  21 days AKUA
Gomi  21 days Xerotek
kung-lao  21 days AKUA
None so vile  21 days Xerotek
Money  20 days AKUA
Excerion  19 days Xerotek
muggs  19 days Xerotek
Achilies  18 days Xerotek
Giartokill  18 days Xerotek
MAGS!  18 days Xerotek
Nestori  18 days Xerotek
Arist0  17 days AKUA
firepr00f  17 days Xerotek
Havoc_Prince  17 days Xerotek
leethal_666_  17 days Xerotek
Molpore  17 days Xerotek
MubaOWNs  17 days Xerotek
psycosis  17 days Xerotek
Acadi  16 days Xerotek
Locket  16 days Not Enough
sleeper.  16 days Xerotek
Headache  15 days AKUA
king blunt  15 days Xerotek
krane  14 days Xerotek
ripping time  14 days AKUA
SHADOWmoses  14 days Xerotek
The Unholy God  14 days Xerotek
Fierce Dragon  13 days Xerotek
TrueLies  13 days AKUA
Alpha_Omega!  12 days Xerotek
annuminas  12 days Xerotek
Artefly  12 days Xerotek
Borgir  12 days Xerotek
Dark-Jedi  12 days Xerotek
Festival  12 days Drawl, Not Enough
God Machine  12 days Drawl, Zetek, Not Enough
inflict  12 days Xerotek
Jian Xi  12 days Xerotek
Nemus Starcrafter  12 days Xerotek
Sork.  12 days Xerotek
yourdoom  12 days Xerotek
dforce1  11 days AKUA
Pittfan  11 days Pliroth, Not Enough
Shiv  11 days Xerotek
spitfire6900  11 days Xerotek
a stalker  10 days Pliroth
aZn_WaRbiRd  10 days Xerotek
EmuFromHell  10 days Pliroth
F A K K TWO  10 days Xerotek
Gbreaker  10 days Xerotek
KatCh  10 days AKUA
Kingdom  10 days Pliroth
Lae Wisserae  10 days Pliroth
stian  10 days Xerotek
Tauren God  10 days Pliroth
volcom-drake  10 days Pliroth
Zagstruk  10 days Pliroth
Alarmed  9 days Pliroth
BoomerSooner  9 days AKUA
BpEcT  9 days Xerotek
DadaKing2  9 days Not Enough
e-mail  9 days Pliroth
Evilworm  9 days Xerotek
Falceot  9 days Not Enough
Iluminate  9 days Not Enough
NoMercy  9 days Pliroth
Raaz  9 days Pliroth
RiGhTiOcHaP  9 days AKUA
spazballs  9 days Xerotek
ultimate666  9 days Pliroth
50 cal  8 days Pliroth
CaSpeR_4_ShO  8 days Not Enough, mindkill
Dread_Knight  8 days Xerotek
Ghostix  8 days Militaris, mindkill
I<iLLeR-  8 days Xerotek
M3rcy  8 days Not Enough
MindTricks  8 days Not Enough
Prince of Darkness  8 days AKUA, Xerotek
tamed  8 days Not Enough
Voluble  8 days Pliroth
Arris  7 days Pliroth
Evil Scotsman  7 days Pliroth, Drawl
Geetar  7 days AKUA
Jing!!  7 days Not Enough
Riled  7 days Pliroth
Shawa  7 days Xerotek
UNEXIST  7 days Pliroth
Urges  7 days Militaris, Not Enough
Warbird 7  7 days Xerotek
Absense  6 days Drawl, Xerotek
badboy_oj  6 days Xerotek
ekoostik  6 days mindkill, Militaris
Frio  6 days AKUA
Horrified  6 days AKUA
l2aNgE  6 days Xerotek
ReKall  6 days Xerotek
TorturedSpirit  6 days Pliroth
Account  5 days AKUA
AppleCheek  5 days mindkill
Baseline  5 days mindkill
BloodEagle  5 days Xerotek
Borborygm  5 days Pliroth
Data.  5 days Xerotek
Deja Vu...  5 days Xerotek
E X I S T E N Z  5 days mindkill
Forced Sodomy  5 days mindkill
g2g  5 days Xerotek
Gamblur  5 days mindkill
Guissippe  5 days mindkill
ISkin  5 days mindkill
Jessup  5 days Xerotek
Jiggz  5 days Pliroth
Ketsueki  5 days mindkill
LaGTaCuLaR  5 days AKUA
layze  5 days Xerotek
mitch-king  5 days mindkill
Mizleh  5 days mindkill
RaveN's Claw  5 days mindkill
Tazquerade  5 days mindkill
Xert  5 days AKUA
xXxFiremothxXx  5 days Xerotek
Alas  4 days Drawl
Ambiance  4 days Drawl
Ano  4 days Drawl
antianti  4 days Not Enough
Atrocious  4 days Militaris
Bent  4 days Drawl
crabshack  4 days Not Enough, Zetek
DaRk TuRmOiL  4 days Xerotek
Deadline  4 days Drawl
Desist  4 days Militaris
Divulge  4 days Militaris
Eastboy  4 days Militaris
Elaw  4 days Militaris
Fireweapon  4 days Drawl
Firth  4 days Drawl
FlameGuard  4 days Not Enough, Zetek
ghostie2002  4 days Pliroth
golden duck  4 days Militaris
Ha-Jik  4 days Drawl
Hah  4 days Not Enough
Healt  4 days Drawl, Xerotek
IcER  4 days Drawl
Infection_Control  4 days Xerotek
Intersect  4 days Drawl
Kensas  4 days Drawl
khoee  4 days Drawl
Koio  4 days Xerotek
lopist  4 days Drawl
Luces  4 days Drawl
Mr Cloak  4 days Militaris
Mrs. Love  4 days Drawl
Naad!  4 days Xerotek
nemus  4 days Drawl
neub  4 days Drawl
offroad  4 days Drawl
P S I  4 days Militaris
PaperTigers  4 days Drawl
Passage  4 days AKUA
Pocus  4 days Militaris
Pot Smoker!!!  4 days Xerotek
RED-WINGS  4 days Drawl
Revel1z  4 days Xerotek
rocked  4 days Drawl
Roiwerk  4 days Drawl
Sexy Sniper  4 days Militaris
shk CQCK biach  4 days Drawl
Swindler  4 days Militaris
Tony Mayo  4 days Drawl
Topaz  4 days Drawl
Traces  4 days Militaris
Unorthadox  4 days Drawl
Vicid  4 days Militaris
wo0t  4 days Militaris
Xonk  4 days Militaris
Yob  4 days Drawl
ZinGy  4 days Militaris
Aiyo  3 days Militaris
AngryBloke  3 days Xerotek
Beserk  3 days Xerotek
Crucializer  3 days Not Enough
Dead_End  3 days Xerotek
dreadhaze  3 days Not Enough, Zetek
Elvok!  3 days Xerotek
Gnat  3 days Xerotek
Highliter  3 days Drawl
hipbone  3 days Xerotek
Jigsawz  3 days Pliroth
Lag Magic  3 days Militaris
liran2003  3 days Xerotek
ManuGinobili  3 days Militaris
Pilgram  3 days Militaris
Plan  3 days Xerotek
Random Elf  3 days Drawl
Rapids  3 days Drawl
Rumpnisse  3 days Xerotek
Solae  3 days Militaris
spin!!!  3 days Not Enough, Pliroth
stesser  3 days Pliroth
TheDude  3 days mindkill
Celtic.  2 days Pliroth
Compton, Ca.  2 days Pliroth
dame  2 days Xerotek
Desenex  2 days Xerotek
Exalt  2 days AKUA
Floods  2 days Drawl
From Hell  2 days Drawl
Golden Club  2 days Xerotek
guyPtP  2 days Xerotek
Instence  2 days Not Enough
ipwnunoob  2 days Zetek, Not Enough
J-B-Inc  2 days Drawl
ruskea  2 days Drawl
thoughts  2 days Drawl
Trash  2 days AKUA
Tyrael.  2 days Drawl
ZA720  2 days Not Enough
Zack Jeckel  2 days Not Enough
Zeth  2 days Xerotek
1C3  1 days Militaris
Bamboozle  1 days Xerotek
Big Bang  1 days AKUA
Capital-1  1 days Not Enough
Daedroth  1 days Drawl
delos  1 days Pliroth
Disappearance  1 days Pliroth
evadence  1 days Xerotek
Healthy  1 days mindkill
Injured  1 days Pliroth
Kheet  1 days Not Enough
Killerbee2  1 days Xerotek
kracker42  1 days mindkill
Lance  1 days Xerotek
maketso  1 days Drawl
Masta Killer  1 days Pliroth
Merkaba  1 days Militaris
mp3 player  1 days Not Enough
MpM  1 days Xerotek
MTC  1 days Xerotek
PREYBIRD  1 days Not Enough
pucci  1 days Pliroth
SaFia  1 days Not Enough
Sassafrass  1 days AKUA
Sin'ath  1 days Xerotek
Skeletor`  1 days Xerotek
Skyhunter  1 days Xerotek
Speculate  1 days Drawl
Tare  1 days Not Enough
The Lost Prophet  1 days Drawl
verado  1 days Pliroth
Weave  1 days Not Enough
Zamu Zoomer  1 days Pliroth