
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  Gantz   Plazma   Recreant   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (18)
Gantz (Dec 17, 2005 - Dec 29, 2005)
Plazma (Dec 15, 2005 - Dec 17, 2005)
Recreant (Dec 08, 2005 - Dec 12, 2005)
Denor (Nov 22, 2005 - Nov 22, 2005)
Teen Spirit (Nov 07, 2005 - Nov 22, 2005)
WbDyNaSty (Sep 18, 2005 - Nov 07, 2005)
Gantz (Sep 12, 2005 - Sep 18, 2005)
WbDyNaSty (Sep 01, 2005 - Sep 12, 2005)
Gantz (Aug 10, 2005 - Sep 01, 2005)
Gantz (Jul 14, 2005 - Aug 02, 2005)
Toxify (Jul 06, 2005 - Jul 14, 2005)
No Boys Allowed (Jul 02, 2005 - Jul 06, 2005)
<X> Factor (Jun 24, 2005 - Jun 30, 2005)
Crutix (Jun 23, 2005 - Jun 24, 2005)
Temporize (Jun 20, 2005 - Jun 22, 2005)
Toxify (Jun 10, 2005 - Jun 20, 2005)
Erazer (Jun 06, 2005 - Jun 10, 2005)
Disorder (May 29, 2005 - May 31, 2005)
Has been on the same squad (434)
FFLenne  87 days Gantz, WbDyNaSty
Woe  63 days WbDyNaSty, Gantz
No~Flava  61 days WbDyNaSty
Waswat  61 days WbDyNaSty
Xaoson  61 days WbDyNaSty
Crystals  57 days WbDyNaSty
ben_dover  56 days Gantz, WbDyNaSty
Nessy  56 days WbDyNaSty
elemental  55 days Gantz
Rabid-Wombat  55 days Gantz
RADIOMARU  55 days Gantz
Mr.Shortround  53 days Gantz
6minutes20seconds  52 days WbDyNaSty
Slo Mo  50 days WbDyNaSty
Speedy Stuff  48 days WbDyNaSty
crabshack  47 days WbDyNaSty
Oppa  47 days WbDyNaSty
Fait  45 days WbDyNaSty, Gantz
KillerGt1  45 days Gantz, WbDyNaSty
FurioFuhrer  44 days Gantz
Lu Xun  42 days Gantz
mass destruction  42 days Gantz
Perunalinko  42 days WbDyNaSty
Ice Breaker  39 days WbDyNaSty
Actuate  37 days WbDyNaSty
Alpha Dog  37 days Gantz
AznNycGuy  37 days WbDyNaSty, Gantz
MackRH  37 days WbDyNaSty
Sarrow  37 days Gantz, WbDyNaSty
Rhino_haha  36 days WbDyNaSty, Toxify
SLik  35 days WbDyNaSty
Bill Clinton  34 days WbDyNaSty
Whipped  34 days WbDyNaSty
Spacely  33 days Gantz, WbDyNaSty, Plazma
ISRAELI F15-I ACE  32 days WbDyNaSty
Kolbi  32 days Gantz
Kurosaki  32 days Gantz
Linehan  31 days WbDyNaSty
Dreams  30 days WbDyNaSty
wavebeamer  29 days Gantz
Absent Elements  28 days Gantz
Firth  28 days Gantz
hot pocket  28 days Gantz
Kira_Yamato~  28 days Gantz
A Fuzz  26 days Gantz
Major NihGer  26 days Gantz
Urges  26 days Gantz, WbDyNaSty
Vexatious  26 days Gantz
Kushite  25 days Gantz
Seymour Butts  24 days Gantz
ExcaliburX2O  23 days WbDyNaSty
Highliter  23 days Teen Spirit, Toxify
Lil Tye  23 days Gantz, WbDyNaSty, Denor
Swiper  23 days WbDyNaSty
Nlie  22 days Gantz
LaGTaCuLaR  21 days WbDyNaSty
Harder  20 days WbDyNaSty
30 rabid llamas!  19 days WbDyNaSty
joemoma  19 days WbDyNaSty
magic~  19 days WbDyNaSty
Termites  19 days 4 squads
Velu  19 days WbDyNaSty
Geillan  18 days Gantz
Loder  18 days Gantz
Pulsage  18 days WbDyNaSty
Yang Wenli  18 days Gantz
coxcomb  17 days Gantz
Kakka  17 days Gantz
Rikishay  17 days WbDyNaSty
saber  17 days WbDyNaSty
SaFia  17 days WbDyNaSty, Gantz
SnallTrippin  17 days WbDyNaSty
Xert  17 days Factor, Toxify, Crutix
ayb  16 days Gantz
BladeZ  16 days WbDyNaSty
Charles Bronson  16 days Gantz
Fanha  16 days Toxify, Temporize
H U F F  16 days Crutix, Toxify, Temporize
Killem  16 days Gantz
Lord Envy  16 days WbDyNaSty, Gantz
Rapids  16 days Toxify
Rhin  16 days Toxify, Teen Spirit
Tha Avanger  16 days Disorder, Gantz
Elliot Moose  15 days Gantz
Paradise  15 days Teen Spirit, Toxify
Product  15 days Toxify
Saintz  15 days WbDyNaSty
stilt  15 days Gantz
The Devils Twitch  15 days WbDyNaSty
The-Great-Gonzo  15 days Gantz
Zorg .  15 days WbDyNaSty
calculus  14 days Teen Spirit
compressure  14 days WbDyNaSty
nUcLeAr DiSaStEr  14 days Gantz
Opossum  14 days Gantz
Red Scorpion  14 days WbDyNaSty, Crutix
Superman  14 days Teen Spirit
Last Rites  13 days Gantz
Matorian  13 days WbDyNaSty
Ramza  13 days WbDyNaSty
Valholy  13 days WbDyNaSty, Gantz
Voracious  13 days Gantz, WbDyNaSty
Alerts  12 days Gantz, Disorder
Conflux  12 days WbDyNaSty
KINGS-  12 days WbDyNaSty
NHL  12 days Teen Spirit
Ties  12 days Teen Spirit
WRM  12 days WbDyNaSty
Amoryth  11 days Teen Spirit
Black Dhalia  11 days WbDyNaSty
Calvary  11 days Gantz
Cyborg.  11 days Gantz
FattyMcFatterson  11 days 5 squads
firepr00f  11 days Gantz
FlameGuard  11 days WbDyNaSty
Georgebob  11 days Gantz
Paveo  11 days Gantz
pompous  11 days Gantz
poozooka  11 days Teen Spirit
R.0.D  11 days WbDyNaSty, Crutix, Factor
Setta  11 days Gantz
Urgoth  11 days Gantz
Viet_Pryde  11 days WbDyNaSty
WarAngel  11 days WbDyNaSty
Azn Lag  10 days WbDyNaSty
corishika  10 days Gantz
Demonik  10 days Gantz
Dr.$kill$  10 days Teen Spirit
DreadPirate  10 days Gantz
Evold  10 days Gantz
Falceot  10 days Toxify, Disorder, Temporize
Ill-Defined  10 days WbDyNaSty
Juvy  10 days Teen Spirit, Recreant
Mr MVP  10 days Gantz
PlaZma-  10 days WbDyNaSty, Gantz
sheer  10 days WbDyNaSty
0bnoxious  9 days Toxify
berzerk  9 days Toxify
BlackHawk  9 days Toxify
Blasts  9 days Toxify
chitown  9 days Toxify
Colonize  9 days Gantz
Demonic Ora  9 days WbDyNaSty
Envoy  9 days Toxify
Etorn  9 days Toxify
Fleming  9 days Gantz
jube  9 days Gantz
Judah  9 days Toxify
Mascara  9 days WbDyNaSty
oops  9 days Gantz
Pittfan  9 days Gantz
RiGhTiOcHaP  9 days Gantz, Crutix, Factor
super_ass_rapist  9 days Toxify
wait what  9 days WbDyNaSty, Gantz, Factor
Waterbird  9 days WbDyNaSty
Absense  8 days WbDyNaSty
Alex88  8 days Teen Spirit, Toxify
all.your.base  8 days Gantz
BendRitesXun  8 days Gantz
Bohemian  8 days Gantz
death slayer@  8 days WbDyNaSty
diffEreNt  8 days WbDyNaSty
Fuk  8 days WbDyNaSty
hungery  8 days Denor, Teen Spirit, Recreant
Klean-X  8 days Gantz
Lariat  8 days WbDyNaSty
Lickle  8 days Gantz, WbDyNaSty
Multifilm  8 days WbDyNaSty
Statis  8 days Gantz
The Doors  8 days Teen Spirit
Aegean  7 days Teen Spirit
Archers  7 days WbDyNaSty
bharat  7 days Gantz, Toxify
Busch  7 days Toxify
Djembe  7 days Temporize, Toxify
Dorka  7 days WbDyNaSty
guyptp!  7 days Gantz, WbDyNaSty
Hazuki  7 days Toxify
install  7 days Toxify
Ironroot  7 days Toxify
Karma  7 days Toxify
Masterbot  7 days Teen Spirit
Obsessions  7 days Toxify
ReCreated  7 days WbDyNaSty
Substantial  7 days WbDyNaSty
Warbird Ace  7 days Gantz
Was isT?  7 days WbDyNaSty
Weave  7 days WbDyNaSty
Woop!  7 days Temporize, Toxify
Xenosis  7 days Gantz, Factor
Acuard  6 days Recreant, Teen Spirit
Big Monk  6 days Teen Spirit
BluE TootH  6 days Toxify
DarkSympathy  6 days Toxify, WbDyNaSty
Exibition  6 days WbDyNaSty
Flexable  6 days WbDyNaSty, Plazma
Immolient  6 days Toxify, Gantz
Kei Kurono  6 days Gantz
macrosin  6 days Disorder, WbDyNaSty
Mr.Cool  6 days Gantz
nimnom-_-  6 days Gantz
Pilgram  6 days WbDyNaSty
Rusty!  6 days Gantz
spin!!!  6 days WbDyNaSty, Factor
Strung  6 days Gantz
Version  6 days Toxify
zildil  6 days Temporize, Toxify
2o1o  5 days Gantz
AzN-pRiDe  5 days Gantz
azn.weapon.  5 days Factor
badazzbilly  5 days Gantz
Celtic.  5 days Gantz
Crucializer  5 days Factor
Cry0genic  5 days Toxify, Temporize
DARK TEMPLAR  5 days Toxify
Dast0r  5 days Gantz
DIE NOW  5 days Gantz
dreadhaze  5 days WbDyNaSty
Getsuga  5 days Gantz
Gnat  5 days WbDyNaSty
Gonad Lad  5 days Gantz
Haruko Haruhara  5 days Gantz
Indepth  5 days Factor
Intersect  5 days Factor, Plazma
JBL  5 days Factor
JeepersCreepers  5 days Gantz
Koio  5 days Toxify, Gantz
Loco-Motief  5 days Gantz
Metalsteel  5 days Gantz
Money  5 days WbDyNaSty, Toxify
narrow  5 days WbDyNaSty
Newbsta  5 days Gantz
Oblivian  5 days Gantz
purty  5 days Gantz
Sharper Shooter  5 days Gantz
starpax  5 days Gantz
Stops  5 days Gantz
Storm Braker  5 days Gantz
Stubby  5 days Toxify
Swiftly  5 days Disorder, Toxify
tamed  5 days WbDyNaSty
TW Vet  5 days Toxify
Xef  5 days Gantz
A Flea  4 days Gantz
Absynth!  4 days Gantz
Aide  4 days WbDyNaSty
Alpha-A  4 days No Boys Allowed
Arable  4 days No Boys Allowed
Archway  4 days No Boys Allowed
atalanta  4 days No Boys Allowed
AznGyrl  4 days No Boys Allowed
B1u35h4d0w  4 days Erazer
bad digestion  4 days No Boys Allowed
Barny  4 days Erazer
Baum  4 days Toxify
Casval  4 days No Boys Allowed
Dark_grim  4 days Gantz
DeadRabbit  4 days Factor
Dead_Rain  4 days No Boys Allowed
desktop  4 days No Boys Allowed
Devastator*FIN*  4 days Erazer
die hard  4 days WbDyNaSty, Factor
expunge  4 days Gantz
Extencion  4 days WbDyNaSty
I Luv Cookies  4 days No Boys Allowed
IceKid  4 days Teen Spirit
interfere  4 days Erazer
Kheet  4 days WbDyNaSty
l7eznuts  4 days WbDyNaSty
LIL J0N  4 days WbDyNaSty
lolipop  4 days No Boys Allowed
lostowl  4 days Factor
Marcus VLP  4 days No Boys Allowed
Master_Laggot  4 days Factor
Meow-  4 days No Boys Allowed
Mr. Peanuts  4 days No Boys Allowed
N@+e dizzle  4 days Erazer
Nit3  4 days WbDyNaSty
Nurse  4 days Gantz
Omega Exodus  4 days Factor
Overflowd  4 days Erazer
Politician  4 days Erazer
ProMize  4 days Teen Spirit
Rachelle  4 days No Boys Allowed
Redraft  4 days No Boys Allowed
Ruki  4 days No Boys Allowed
saetep  4 days Factor
Sarutobi  4 days No Boys Allowed
Scathe  4 days No Boys Allowed
Shad0w04  4 days Erazer
Solo-  4 days Erazer
TehNewbDied  4 days No Boys Allowed
The Unholy God  4 days No Boys Allowed
UNEXIST  4 days Erazer, Gantz, Toxify
Vermillion Flame  4 days No Boys Allowed
Vulva  4 days Gantz
x---Lemiwinks---x  4 days WbDyNaSty
ZaBuZa  4 days No Boys Allowed
Zalor  4 days Erazer
Zeeky  4 days WbDyNaSty
Znet  4 days Erazer
ZombieResistance  4 days WbDyNaSty
a papercut  3 days Toxify
allude  3 days Toxify
AppleCheek  3 days WbDyNaSty
Azn Luck  3 days Gantz
B-Eagle  3 days Erazer
Bestial Bereavement  3 days Erazer
Blush  3 days Erazer
Cedar.exe  3 days Toxify
coogs  3 days Toxify
Dangsta  3 days WbDyNaSty
Diothorn  3 days Erazer
Emollient  3 days Factor
Eria  3 days Gantz
Evangelica  3 days Toxify
Evil Scotsman  3 days Denor, Teen Spirit
Freedom Gundam ZGMF  3 days Gantz
Giden  3 days Gantz
Granger  3 days WbDyNaSty
Headache  3 days Factor
Instence  3 days Gantz
inure  3 days Toxify
Karmic  3 days Toxify
KaseY  3 days Recreant
MethaX  3 days Gantz
MindTricks  3 days Crutix, WbDyNaSty
NightClub  3 days WbDyNaSty, Toxify
Overheat  3 days Gantz
Pirate_Stu  3 days Toxify
plinky  3 days WbDyNaSty
Regen  3 days WbDyNaSty
Roca Wear  3 days Factor
Shockers  3 days 4 squads
Sora~  3 days Gantz
SwiftHawk  3 days Erazer
Tear Gas  3 days Factor
Unorthadox  3 days Gantz
Zarl  3 days WbDyNaSty
1v4  2 days Gantz
AnarioN  2 days Toxify
anope  2 days Gantz
ANY  2 days Toxify
BAD CRACK  2 days WbDyNaSty
Brian*  2 days WbDyNaSty
Cleve  2 days WbDyNaSty
ConTaineD  2 days WbDyNaSty
detour  2 days WbDyNaSty
Disrupt  2 days Recreant
Distribulate  2 days Factor
Emale  2 days Gantz
Gus  2 days Recreant
Iluminate  2 days WbDyNaSty, Disorder
Induced  2 days Gantz
jesska  2 days WbDyNaSty, Gantz
Katsuya  2 days Gantz
Kibito  2 days Gantz
Lucky Ned Pepper  2 days Gantz
Mercedes  2 days Toxify
Metals  2 days WbDyNaSty
Office  2 days Toxify
Prince of Darkness  2 days Factor
Red Fang  2 days Crutix, Toxify
Ribbit!  2 days Gantz
Samurai  2 days Toxify
Streetcar  2 days WbDyNaSty
The Hawk  2 days Erazer
The Shizznit  2 days Toxify
twinky  2 days Factor
UGP  2 days Teen Spirit
unknown warrior  2 days Toxify
Wanksta  2 days WbDyNaSty
Wises  2 days WbDyNaSty
xeo  2 days WbDyNaSty, Denor
Account  1 days Crutix
Alarmed  1 days Plazma
AngryBloke  1 days Disorder
Attenuate  1 days WbDyNaSty
backdown  1 days Crutix
Big Bang  1 days WbDyNaSty
bizzy  1 days Toxify
booker007  1 days Erazer
Brother Justin  1 days Toxify
Confuze  1 days Plazma
Cradle  1 days WbDyNaSty
DadaKing2  1 days WbDyNaSty
Diced  1 days WbDyNaSty
Drills  1 days WbDyNaSty
East Jeckel  1 days WbDyNaSty
entrine  1 days Crutix
Espon  1 days Crutix
exiled soul  1 days Disorder
Extinct  1 days Factor
Fire Blade  1 days No Boys Allowed
Flade  1 days No Boys Allowed
globalisation  1 days Disorder
gnarl  1 days WbDyNaSty
GoB  1 days Disorder, WbDyNaSty
GoodFellas  1 days Toxify
Hardest  1 days Toxify
Hault  1 days Factor
IceKan  1 days WbDyNaSty
Implode  1 days Crutix
J-B-Inc  1 days WbDyNaSty
John Bean  1 days WbDyNaSty
Kairi~  1 days Gantz
Kinesrra  1 days Gantz
KY0  1 days Gantz
Lag Magic  1 days Disorder
LegalDueL  1 days WbDyNaSty
lopist  1 days Recreant, Teen Spirit
mad bad and rude  1 days Gantz
murmur  1 days Toxify
Nazerik  1 days Plazma
NetGear  1 days WbDyNaSty
Nick de Win  1 days Crutix, Factor
Nublet  1 days WbDyNaSty
Odol  1 days Toxify
Punch  1 days Teen Spirit
rly_dumb  1 days Erazer
Skating Tour  1 days WbDyNaSty
Targhee  1 days Gantz
Thief-  1 days Disorder
Tohn  1 days Gantz
Trollhammaren  1 days Gantz
Unistar  1 days Recreant
Upon  1 days Gantz
vampire.  1 days Erazer
viscous  1 days Temporize
volable  1 days Factor
West Jeckel  1 days WbDyNaSty
wo0t  1 days Plazma
Zack Jeckel  1 days Gantz
Zarkana  1 days Gantz