
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Patrons of War   >Hollow<   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (2)
Patrons of War (Apr 27, 2005 - Jun 28, 2005)
>Hollow< (Apr 17, 2005 - Apr 27, 2005)
Has been on the same squad (106)
Konvict  61 days Patrons of War
Laurine  61 days Patrons of War
mommme  61 days Patrons of War
SolarVista  61 days Patrons of War
Steelwind  61 days Patrons of War
tyreon  61 days Patrons of War
rcr  60 days Patrons of War
eks  59 days Patrons of War
GratefulGuns  59 days Patrons of War
Mcbain  58 days Patrons of War
slowest  58 days Patrons of War
Vune  58 days Patrons of War
bharat  55 days Patrons of War
sappho  55 days Patrons of War
Dracus  54 days Patrons of War
Jenta  52 days Patrons of War
retsam  52 days Patrons of War
lord kroak  50 days Patrons of War
Zhou Tai Soldier  50 days Patrons of War
Bonaparte  49 days Patrons of War
Narutiz  49 days Patrons of War
Brast  48 days Patrons of War
Uprise  46 days Patrons of War
IKM  44 days Patrons of War
Mika  44 days Patrons of War
The Sith  44 days Patrons of War
tophers  40 days Patrons of War
ConTaineD  37 days Patrons of War
Klean-X  37 days Patrons of War
tonjo  37 days Patrons of War
wrigs  34 days Patrons of War
mindfk  32 days Patrons of War, >Hollow<
Shin Asuka  32 days Patrons of War
Silverestel  32 days Patrons of War
Nascal  30 days Patrons of War
The American Girl  30 days Patrons of War
Jazzif  28 days Patrons of War
The American Boy  28 days Patrons of War
Running Riot  27 days Patrons of War
Sipha  27 days Patrons of War
animality  26 days Patrons of War
Cgull  26 days Patrons of War
THE TIJGER  26 days Patrons of War
Apollonius  23 days Patrons of War
Rageo  23 days Patrons of War
Selected  23 days Patrons of War
Watchman  23 days Patrons of War
Archers  19 days Patrons of War
azurhialine  19 days Patrons of War
Rocket  19 days Patrons of War
kasai  18 days Patrons of War
Lib-Tek  18 days Patrons of War
twinky  17 days Patrons of War
vigge  16 days Patrons of War
Accoladed  15 days Patrons of War
Zeitdrache  15 days Patrons of War
Ill-Defined  14 days Patrons of War
hesiod  11 days Patrons of War
Azaria  10 days >Hollow<
BfettA1  10 days >Hollow<
Ironroot  10 days Patrons of War
l2aNgE  10 days >Hollow<
Seratonin  10 days >Hollow<
superbomb  10 days >Hollow<
Terminater  10 days >Hollow<
Warlord Bug  10 days >Hollow<
ZaBuZa  10 days >Hollow<
Zoryn  10 days Patrons of War
Antega  9 days Patrons of War
b3t4  9 days >Hollow<
Thrice_  9 days >Hollow<
Blind SharpShooter  8 days >Hollow<
Sube  8 days >Hollow<
unknown warrior  8 days Patrons of War
WhaCko  8 days >Hollow<
Zapp Rowsdower  8 days >Hollow<
BlackTip  7 days >Hollow<
re6el  7 days >Hollow<
Hibhobit  6 days >Hollow<
Bloody Talon  5 days >Hollow<
Flec  5 days Patrons of War
install  5 days Patrons of War
die hard  4 days Patrons of War
fayne  4 days Patrons of War
FinalRites  4 days >Hollow<
Lord Aubergine  4 days Patrons of War
macrosin  4 days Patrons of War
Ms13  4 days Patrons of War
Evold  3 days Patrons of War
Tru Survivor  3 days Patrons of War
1001  2 days Patrons of War
British Eagle  2 days Patrons of War
Feonix Phire  2 days Patrons of War
Fnow  2 days Patrons of War
GmorG McRoth  2 days Patrons of War
invain  2 days Patrons of War
Jake Logan  2 days Patrons of War
Mr Cloak  2 days >Hollow<
Saint Potter  2 days Patrons of War
Sideswipe  2 days Patrons of War
syris  2 days Patrons of War
The Mushroom  2 days Patrons of War
Endless Rain  1 days Patrons of War
Insulted  1 days Patrons of War
RedIce  1 days >Hollow<
Warhummer  1 days Patrons of War