
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Idoneus   The Zerg   |$|   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (6)
Idoneus (May 17, 2004 - May 20, 2004)
The Zerg (May 06, 2004 - May 17, 2004)
|$| (May 03, 2004 - May 06, 2004)
NeXT.LeVeL (Apr 25, 2004 - May 02, 2004)
MyStiCaLz (Apr 25, 2004 - Apr 25, 2004)
>bad< (Apr 24, 2004 - Apr 25, 2004)
Has been on the same squad (83)
Lehgnar  11 days The Zerg, NeXT.LeVeL
a noob  10 days 4 squads
Dead_End  10 days NeXT.LeVeL, |$|, The Zerg
fire.sniper200  10 days The Zerg
Ignoring Everyone  10 days The Zerg
NZ Warrior  10 days The Zerg, NeXT.LeVeL
Silva  10 days The Zerg, NeXT.LeVeL
White_Shadow  10 days The Zerg
WareBirdX  9 days The Zerg
XQP-raiZ  9 days NeXT.LeVeL, The Zerg
The Bandit.  8 days The Zerg
Trajik  8 days The Zerg
DimDum  7 days The Zerg
THE ENFORCER  7 days The Zerg
erwohs  6 days The Zerg
Lag Magic  6 days The Zerg
Spacely  6 days The Zerg
20ozDietCoke  5 days The Zerg, |$|
Acadi  5 days The Zerg
Arinna  5 days The Zerg
Dead_Newbie  5 days NeXT.LeVeL
Eight Banger  5 days NeXT.LeVeL
Ermandfa  5 days NeXT.LeVeL
tetradecapod  5 days NeXT.LeVeL
Winstone  5 days NeXT.LeVeL, |$|
B-[Laderunner]  4 days Idoneus, NeXT.LeVeL
Bo0!  4 days NeXT.LeVeL, Idoneus
guyPtP  4 days NeXT.LeVeL, |$|, The Zerg
Sarutobi  4 days The Zerg
SwEeTLiLBloNdY  4 days NeXT.LeVeL
ultima!  4 days NeXT.LeVeL, The Zerg, |$|
botmog  3 days |$|, NeXT.LeVeL
Caracal  3 days Idoneus, The Zerg, NeXT.LeVeL
Sousse  3 days The Zerg
The Ejaculator  3 days |$|, NeXT.LeVeL
tydie  3 days Idoneus, The Zerg
Ace Sh00ter  2 days The Zerg
AngryBloke  2 days Idoneus
Aspien  2 days Idoneus
badboy_oj  2 days Idoneus
BlackCobra  2 days Idoneus
Chisholm_  2 days Idoneus
CooLDemon  2 days NeXT.LeVeL
Cyborg.  2 days Idoneus
Da MaN  2 days Idoneus
Dastor  2 days >bad<, Idoneus
Death Click  2 days Idoneus
Ecro  2 days Idoneus
empion  2 days Idoneus
Eoroth  2 days |$|, >bad<, NeXT.LeVeL
Eror  2 days Idoneus
Falceot  2 days Idoneus
Hatake Kakashi  2 days The Zerg
Include  2 days Idoneus
Loki the Trickster  2 days Idoneus
Manjus  2 days |$|, NeXT.LeVeL
METHALIZE  2 days Idoneus
noz2112  2 days The Zerg
PipArchDevil  2 days NeXT.LeVeL
re@lly$m@llpeni$  2 days |$|
Sabotace  2 days Idoneus
Selode  2 days Idoneus
SonicFlood <007>  2 days Idoneus
strid3r  2 days Idoneus
The Nash  2 days Idoneus
WebStriker  2 days Idoneus
6minutes20seconds  1 days Idoneus
A chocobo  1 days The Zerg
apollo!  1 days NeXT.LeVeL
Atomic-Sniper  1 days Idoneus
GaZoOH!  1 days Idoneus, NeXT.LeVeL
GoD!*  1 days The Zerg
hot_fish  1 days Idoneus
J M Power  1 days NeXT.LeVeL, |$|
kaospilot  1 days Idoneus
lilo thug  1 days Idoneus
Mike Modano_09  1 days Idoneus
Mr.Tsipin  1 days Idoneus, NeXT.LeVeL, |$|
Nick@Night  1 days Idoneus, NeXT.LeVeL
pastaboy  1 days The Zerg, NeXT.LeVeL
Solarblast Dragon  1 days Idoneus
Thorkell  1 days Idoneus
Violator_X  1 days NeXT.LeVeL, |$|