
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Brainwave   Nub Cakes   GiantTiger   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (5)
Brainwave (Oct 14, 2007 - Oct 16, 2007)
Nub Cakes (Sep 21, 2007 - Sep 29, 2007)
GiantTiger (Sep 17, 2007 - Sep 21, 2007)
Double Eclipse (Sep 01, 2007 - Sep 12, 2007)
Sourire (Aug 24, 2007 - Aug 29, 2007)
Has been on the same squad (146)
Mad B*tches  12 days Brainwave, Double Eclipse
mattryan  12 days Double Eclipse, Brainwave
crazy killah  11 days Double Eclipse
liftdumper  11 days Double Eclipse
d.killaaa  10 days Double Eclipse, Brainwave
Michael Stipe Fan  10 days Double Eclipse
Snu Snu  10 days Double Eclipse
Tumor  10 days Double Eclipse
xrasputin  10 days Double Eclipse
xx3 roxiiii xx3  10 days Double Eclipse
spacey_casey  9 days Double Eclipse, Brainwave
TwinTurbo  9 days Double Eclipse, Brainwave
wassabe  9 days Double Eclipse
AtomicBliss23  8 days Double Eclipse
D=  8 days GiantTiger, Sourire
Ferguras  8 days GiantTiger, Sourire
heavily  8 days GiantTiger, Sourire
Outlaw?  8 days Sourire, GiantTiger
Prontera  8 days Sourire, GiantTiger
Via Dolorosa  8 days Sourire, GiantTiger
Essential vitamins  7 days Double Eclipse, Brainwave
Xoduz  7 days Double Eclipse
delsolkid  6 days Double Eclipse
Dude Uh MAn  6 days Double Eclipse
Emolution619  6 days GiantTiger, Sourire
iamnot  6 days Double Eclipse
1man army  5 days Double Eclipse
Averex  5 days Sourire
Barracuda123  5 days Sourire, GiantTiger
BLaZeD ouT  5 days Sourire
BoyDevil  5 days Sourire
Cataclysm  5 days Sourire
Clippy-2K7  5 days Sourire
Cloud Nine  5 days Double Eclipse
Doom~Bringer  5 days Sourire
elkifter  5 days Sourire
Fuzzy.Style  5 days Double Eclipse
Houa  5 days Sourire
i-mosh  5 days GiantTiger, Brainwave
Jaymistic  5 days Sourire
kinale  5 days Sourire
MassCarnage  5 days Double Eclipse
Petal  5 days Sourire
Secrecy  5 days Sourire
The Lone Gunner  5 days Sourire
TheWorstPart  5 days Brainwave, GiantTiger
Newbd  4 days Sourire
PerfectCircle  4 days Double Eclipse
rallymommo  4 days Double Eclipse
VD  4 days Double Eclipse
Adidas_  3 days GiantTiger
affliction+  3 days GiantTiger
BangHead  3 days GiantTiger
Beltan  3 days GiantTiger
BlaZeeeeh  3 days GiantTiger
BloodStriker  3 days GiantTiger
Caligor  3 days GiantTiger
Dadarian11  3 days GiantTiger
death6  3 days GiantTiger
Deathdemon  3 days GiantTiger
Devil_Dog_666  3 days GiantTiger
Divine Warrior  3 days GiantTiger
Dracus  3 days GiantTiger
Endless Rain  3 days GiantTiger
Hellou.  3 days GiantTiger
id.  3 days GiantTiger
JEBSTERS  3 days GiantTiger
Joakka  3 days GiantTiger
KAKAKAKAKA  3 days GiantTiger
kcuf  3 days GiantTiger
Kin mon criss  3 days GiantTiger
Laggo The Clown  3 days GiantTiger
LaMothe  3 days GiantTiger
Lat|noXXX  3 days GiantTiger
Liquid Angell  3 days GiantTiger
LUCKYDUCKY  3 days GiantTiger
Marana  3 days GiantTiger
Market  3 days GiantTiger
Massacred  3 days GiantTiger
matrix_  3 days GiantTiger
Mineralogy  3 days GiantTiger
MoNocidelxMaNi4c  3 days GiantTiger
MostValuablePlayer  3 days GiantTiger
Mowglie from NFLD I  3 days GiantTiger
Neurion  3 days GiantTiger
Nlie  3 days GiantTiger
perfectstorm#2  3 days GiantTiger
Pholik  3 days GiantTiger
Playmaker1290  3 days GiantTiger
Pollinator  3 days GiantTiger
Rand Da Guy  3 days GiantTiger
Saucon  3 days GiantTiger
scrapartist  3 days GiantTiger
siciic  3 days GiantTiger
slave69  3 days Sourire
Smitty215  3 days GiantTiger
Starblazer424  3 days GiantTiger
steeff  3 days GiantTiger
Sword of the Ocean  3 days GiantTiger
syonara  3 days GiantTiger
The Beautiful  3 days GiantTiger
TutoXD  3 days GiantTiger
unusual  3 days GiantTiger
vk-aQuos  3 days GiantTiger
Vor  3 days GiantTiger
Whafrodamus  3 days GiantTiger
Windfall  3 days GiantTiger
WonderBird  3 days GiantTiger
z diddy2  3 days GiantTiger
AcidBomber <ER>  2 days Brainwave
Aranza  2 days Brainwave
BackUp  2 days Brainwave
BEAST GROWL  2 days Brainwave
Bizmat  2 days Brainwave
blackfighter45  2 days Double Eclipse
but...why...per...  2 days Brainwave
CJW  2 days Brainwave
CRAZY_CANADIAN  2 days Brainwave
DJSlayer  2 days Brainwave
Dr. Snyder  2 days Brainwave
Ezellohar  2 days Brainwave
Homeless Man  2 days Sourire
hottis  2 days Brainwave
Lag Magic  2 days Sourire
Mango.  2 days Brainwave
Maus  2 days Brainwave
New-Life  2 days Sourire
p0undcak3  2 days Brainwave
Raizin  2 days Sourire
Sartaqua  2 days Sourire
sniper000  2 days Brainwave
Sparffles  2 days Brainwave
Stingerz  2 days Brainwave
stiT  2 days Sourire
the_paul  2 days Brainwave
UnknownDragon  2 days Brainwave
VectorGTS  2 days Brainwave
Very Invisible  2 days Brainwave
Wage  2 days Double Eclipse
Yin^  2 days Brainwave
Batteries  1 days Sourire
Dile  1 days Sourire
Prominence  1 days Double Eclipse
rainboy 123  1 days Brainwave
Romantic  1 days GiantTiger
smoke tree  1 days GiantTiger