
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Hillpeace    Spastic   Honour   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (17)
Hillpeace (Aug 27, 2008 - Aug 31, 2008)
Spastic (Jul 05, 2008 - Jul 23, 2008)
Honour (Feb 03, 2007 - Feb 12, 2007)
Luck (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 29, 2006)
Luck (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
Stepchild (Nov 23, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
Neca (May 26, 2006 - Jul 31, 2006)
Jizzum (Apr 08, 2006 - May 14, 2006)
Teen Spirit (Nov 06, 2005 - Nov 08, 2005)
Soilder (Nov 02, 2005 - Nov 06, 2005)
Search (Aug 17, 2005 - Aug 18, 2005)
Thrill (Jan 16, 2005 - Jun 03, 2005)
Scary (Jan 13, 2005 - Jan 15, 2005)
Thrill (Dec 28, 2004 - Jan 02, 2005)
1337 (Oct 20, 2004 - Nov 08, 2004)
Merit (May 02, 2004 - May 02, 2004)
Interface (Apr 11, 2004 - Apr 23, 2004)
Has been on the same squad (249)
Beasts  127 days Thrill, Stepchild
Dirty  114 days Thrill
Carter  106 days Thrill
Dutch_  105 days Thrill
Midget  97 days Thrill
Inxy  89 days Scary, Thrill
Dread  83 days Thrill
NowYouDie  81 days Scary, Interface, Thrill
mufe  71 days Thrill
acorn  68 days Thrill
Pression  65 days Neca
Proximo  63 days Thrill
Sasukez  59 days Neca
KaseY  54 days Thrill
Tricker  50 days Neca
Mortyr  48 days Thrill
Revolt  44 days Interface, Search, Thrill
Chronus  43 days Neca
Out of Service  42 days Thrill
Ex0dia-  41 days Neca
GoB  40 days Stepchild, Honour, Thrill
Kornflakes  40 days Scary, Thrill, 1337
Cara  35 days Jizzum
EricJeter  35 days Jizzum
Masculine  35 days Jizzum
nitty  35 days Neca
Recruiter  35 days Jizzum
Dome  33 days Thrill, Search
Badjob  30 days Neca
Glide  30 days Thrill
joemoma  26 days Honour, Spastic
schope  22 days Interface, Spastic
tydye  20 days Neca
Jada  19 days 1337, Thrill, Scary
Paper  19 days Thrill
Ameno  18 days Spastic
AnidaLife  18 days Spastic
Anon  18 days Spastic
Aquatiq  18 days Spastic
caffecottage  18 days Spastic
Celly  18 days Spastic
Centurion04  18 days Spastic
CJW  18 days Spastic
Concealed  18 days Spastic
Dr.Coiff  18 days Spastic
Eldorado  18 days Spastic
Elliptical Halo  18 days Spastic
ExcaliburX2O  18 days Spastic
FairLights  18 days Spastic
FiftySeven  18 days Spastic
Frozen*Ice  18 days Spastic
GeN  18 days Spastic
GZ  18 days Spastic
Humid  18 days Spastic
Jamal  18 days Spastic
Jr5  18 days Spastic
Ksv  18 days Spastic
Lea  18 days Spastic
menomena  18 days Spastic
P0LLUX  18 days Spastic
Pure_Luck  18 days Spastic
Ramiel  18 days Spastic
resoL  18 days Spastic
rigor  18 days Spastic
Sempi  18 days Spastic
Sharpshot  18 days Spastic
Solace  18 days Spastic
Solidify  18 days Spastic
spacedust  18 days Spastic
Stabwound  18 days Spastic
s_s_o_t_e  18 days Spastic
Usoi  18 days Spastic
Weaver  18 days Spastic
Worr  18 days Spastic
Y ?  18 days Spastic
Bruise  16 days Thrill
Jrahen  16 days Spastic
SM-SG7  16 days Thrill
Wazit  16 days Spastic
Doubtful  15 days Neca
Nethila  15 days Spastic
TW Vet  15 days Interface, 1337
Witness  15 days Spastic
Alaskan  14 days 1337
Hyt  14 days Spastic
install  13 days Thrill, 1337, Scary
lillis  13 days Neca
Spirit  13 days Thrill
AEn|ma  12 days Spastic
a Javelin  11 days 1337, Interface
Busker  11 days Interface
Disrespectful  11 days Interface, Scary
dragun  11 days Interface
Horror  11 days Interface
Puppet*Master  11 days Interface
Revered  11 days Interface
Sfrius  11 days Interface
dean  10 days Thrill
Doduo  10 days Thrill
Frenz  10 days Neca
Negate  10 days Neca
rozi  10 days Neca
Allied  9 days Honour
hEaD_hUnTeR  9 days Honour
Jatt  9 days Spastic
Moonlight Dream  9 days Thrill
PureX  9 days Interface
Sefarius  9 days Merit, Honour
1337  8 days Interface
Ballstar  8 days 1337
Coast  8 days 1337
Ice Storm  8 days Interface, 1337
Inferno  8 days Honour
Locus Publicus  8 days Interface
Miss Gunz  8 days Honour
pOff  8 days Interface
Ready?  8 days Interface
Script  8 days Interface
stark  8 days Interface
Weird  8 days Honour
wo0t  8 days Neca
Yoost  8 days Interface
aphotic  7 days 1337
dynastes  7 days Interface
GDawg9696  7 days Interface
Grin  7 days Interface
Kvatch  7 days Neca
lerdex  7 days Interface
Morh  7 days Interface
nopcode  7 days Neca
Soze  7 days Thrill, Interface
Task  7 days 1337, Thrill
Big Monk  6 days Search, Honour
Contender  6 days Interface
eXsIzt  6 days Interface
Imbalance  6 days Neca
Jungle Book  6 days Honour
Lens  6 days Neca
Mayfly  6 days Neca
Metal Headz  6 days Interface
Sk8  6 days Interface
Trunks_rage  6 days Honour
Boner  5 days Interface
Distile  5 days Neca
Drawl  5 days Neca
Fold  5 days Interface
Mortal  5 days Scary, Interface
NassE  5 days Interface
Nightmare-  5 days Neca
PERiSH  5 days Interface
Rot  5 days Thrill
senseles  5 days Interface
stian  5 days Thrill
Symbolic  5 days Interface
Trash  5 days Honour
Tycoon  5 days Interface
Abyss  4 days Thrill
Cripple  4 days Interface
de 1  4 days Thrill
Jock  4 days Interface
Manito  4 days Interface
Mignon  4 days Interface
Mulkero  4 days Thrill
Nessy  4 days Thrill
NWO  4 days Neca
omnislash  4 days Stepchild
punjar  4 days Interface
Regen  4 days Spastic
SkullSpace  4 days Spastic
stereo  4 days Thrill
Timing  4 days Interface
Vermillion Flame  4 days Thrill
Vys  4 days Spastic
a stalker  3 days Soilder
Assists  3 days Soilder
b@by girl  3 days Interface
Bela Lugosi  3 days Neca
benched  3 days Soilder
Berko  3 days 1337, Interface
Cheese  3 days Interface
Ephemeral  3 days Spastic
Ephiny  3 days Interface
FaLLeNMaN  3 days Soilder
favorite  3 days 1337
Felon  3 days Thrill
Festival  3 days Soilder
Goodluck  3 days Soilder
HattiFnatt  3 days Interface
Joyce  3 days Soilder
Lucks  3 days Soilder
Michelin Man  3 days Soilder
Monkie Bones  3 days Soilder
Notorius  3 days Interface
Phrozen  3 days 1337
Pleejer  3 days Interface
Raidz  3 days Soilder
Reflection  3 days Soilder
Ruine  3 days Interface
Russian Assassin  3 days Soilder
Shainva  3 days Soilder
silentbobb  3 days Neca
SnallTrippin  3 days Honour
SPIKE*  3 days Soilder
starpax  3 days Soilder
Suezo  3 days Soilder
thoughts  3 days Soilder
Vigalant  3 days Soilder
vinland  3 days Interface
Wildshot  3 days Soilder
Xenoflame  3 days Interface
Xert  3 days Soilder
ao Vivo  2 days Neca
Cape  2 days Interface
Children  2 days Thrill
Classical  2 days Interface
doag  2 days Scary, Interface, Thrill
Hatred  2 days Interface, Scary
Kamikaze  2 days Interface
Ms.Lame  2 days Interface
Police  2 days 1337
Psychic  2 days Thrill
Robin  2 days Thrill
Rubi  2 days Soilder
Unlike  2 days Neca
AnImoL  1 days 1337
calculus  1 days Teen Spirit
Calm  1 days Interface
Detain  1 days 1337
Dr.$kill$  1 days Teen Spirit
Draconian  1 days Interface
ER  1 days Scary
exploid  1 days Interface
J-B-Inc  1 days Soilder
kaws  1 days Jizzum
krane  1 days 1337
Mess  1 days Interface
NHL  1 days Teen Spirit
Nit3  1 days Hillpeace
nUcLeAr DiSaStEr  1 days 1337
Paradise  1 days Teen Spirit
PauSe  1 days Thrill
Pismo  1 days Interface
Pony  1 days Thrill
poozooka  1 days Teen Spirit
Pummel  1 days 1337
Reroute  1 days Thrill
Superman  1 days Teen Spirit
triggerman  1 days Spastic
Turk  1 days Interface