
Commodore Ironfist
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Instaga   GiantTiger   Bourbon!   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (10)
Instaga (Jul 25, 2008 - Aug 03, 2008)
GiantTiger (Jul 16, 2008 - Jul 22, 2008)
Bourbon! (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 29, 2006)
Viratto (Aug 07, 2006 - Aug 08, 2006)
Commodore Congress (Aug 05, 2006 - Aug 06, 2006)
-nazareth- (Aug 26, 2004 - Aug 27, 2004)
pure drive (Aug 22, 2004 - Aug 26, 2004)
Hang Over (Jul 08, 2004 - Aug 22, 2004)
Bloodied Aphids (Jun 25, 2004 - Jul 08, 2004)
EagleKings (Jan 22, 2003 - Feb 13, 2003)
Has been on the same squad (125)
Darkodin  46 days pure drive, Hang Over, -nazareth-
G8tor  45 days Hang Over
saetep  45 days Hang Over
Spinners  45 days Hang Over
Tour  45 days Hang Over
KillerCanadian  43 days Hang Over
Netor  39 days Hang Over
Andy_CRG_77  28 days Hang Over
CaTcH mE iF u CaN  28 days Hang Over
MaGGoT CoRpSe  28 days Hang Over
Solo-  27 days Hang Over
lilpenguin Z  26 days Hang Over, -nazareth-
chicken warrior  24 days Hang Over
randomshot  21 days pure drive, Hang Over, -nazareth-
greenwave78  20 days Hang Over
Aahem--  14 days Hang Over
EaglePuma  13 days EagleKings
hedonisticbum  13 days Hang Over
Sipha  13 days Hang Over
SquallX09  13 days Hang Over
Aceh  12 days Bloodied Aphids
Avatar_USA  12 days Bloodied Aphids
Bolter  12 days Bloodied Aphids
Claire Redfield  12 days Bloodied Aphids
DaKiNdLa  12 days Bloodied Aphids
Eagle Gard  12 days EagleKings
Eagle Quest  12 days EagleKings
Eagle Wizard*  12 days EagleKings
Elvendestroyer  12 days Bloodied Aphids
Funk Machine  12 days Bloodied Aphids
GameSlave  12 days Bloodied Aphids
ilbenez  12 days Bloodied Aphids
InfiniteVoodoo  12 days Bloodied Aphids
itty-bitty  12 days Bloodied Aphids
Lady Kitten  12 days Bloodied Aphids
Oddleaf  12 days Bloodied Aphids
P0LLUX  12 days Bloodied Aphids
Redwire-Redskins  12 days Bloodied Aphids
rubberneck  12 days Bloodied Aphids
Shinova  12 days Bloodied Aphids
SilLiE AnGiE  12 days Bloodied Aphids
TriPLE_H_  12 days Bloodied Aphids
TruKilla  12 days Bloodied Aphids
Valaraukar_garamoth  12 days Bloodied Aphids
VirtualBlade  12 days Bloodied Aphids
Xx_MysticalKill_xX  12 days Bloodied Aphids
Overflowd  11 days pure drive, Hang Over, -nazareth-
suicidle bob  11 days EagleKings
Eagle Baby  8 days EagleKings
The Flying Russian  7 days EagleKings
Eagle Apotheosis  6 days EagleKings
Eagle Ironfist  6 days EagleKings
Anthraxx  5 days GiantTiger
BangHead  5 days GiantTiger
Beltan  5 days GiantTiger
blackfly  5 days GiantTiger
Bloody Wolf  5 days GiantTiger
Braille  5 days GiantTiger
BulletBoy  5 days GiantTiger
Canaglia  5 days GiantTiger
Eclipse-Gsx  5 days GiantTiger
fighter of hell  5 days EagleKings
Flec  5 days GiantTiger
Grotto  5 days Instaga
H2OA  5 days Bloodied Aphids
Idiot Pilot  5 days GiantTiger
kinale  5 days GiantTiger
LaMothe  5 days GiantTiger
LIght IT  5 days GiantTiger
LivinDead  5 days GiantTiger
No Justice  5 days GiantTiger
okyo  5 days GiantTiger
Prontera  5 days GiantTiger
ProtomanZX  5 days GiantTiger
Sights  5 days Instaga
StrEaKy  5 days GiantTiger
Thestalos  5 days GiantTiger
WeeD_MonkeY_23  5 days EagleKings
White^*Hawk  5 days EagleKings
YATTA Crusader 001  5 days GiantTiger
Yo Asakura  5 days EagleKings
CriusVII  4 days GiantTiger
itami  4 days GiantTiger
lolipop  4 days Instaga
PerlGuy  4 days GiantTiger
SoKwik  4 days GiantTiger
xmers  4 days GiantTiger
0VERDOSE  3 days Hang Over
a_bug  3 days Bloodied Aphids
Freedom Flyer  3 days Hang Over
Knockers  3 days Instaga
PvP  3 days Instaga
s$niperKill  3 days Instaga
spitfire6900  3 days -nazareth-, pure drive, Hang Over
aZn_WaRbiRd  2 days Bloodied Aphids, pure drive, -nazareth-
Crucializer  2 days -nazareth-, pure drive
dirtbiker10  2 days Bloodied Aphids
Dyers Eve  2 days EagleKings
Garbage  2 days Bloodied Aphids
Intel*^  2 days Bloodied Aphids
Miss. Marshmallow  2 days Bloodied Aphids
Unleaded  2 days -nazareth-, pure drive
unusual  2 days GiantTiger
Witty  2 days EagleKings
Xenosis  2 days pure drive, -nazareth-
AngelGurl  1 days Bloodied Aphids
Backfire  1 days Instaga
Bah Ha  1 days Bloodied Aphids
Black Dracula  1 days pure drive
Blader  1 days Instaga
Blindmonkey21  1 days Bloodied Aphids
Bloody_Shot  1 days pure drive
D-Block  1 days Hang Over
Dead_Rain  1 days pure drive
Eleanor Rigby  1 days pure drive
Fire Engine  1 days Instaga
Lysandus  1 days Bloodied Aphids
Mangodood|  1 days Bloodied Aphids
MasterChief  1 days Hang Over
Red Insanity  1 days -nazareth-, pure drive
Rich$$  1 days Bloodied Aphids
SiKo<->FaNtiC  1 days Bloodied Aphids
Upc  1 days Hang Over
zhou_boy  1 days pure drive
Zink  1 days Bloodied Aphids